Prana: The Art & Science of Breath
with Liza Higbee-Robinson
This experiential module is a deep dive into the most essential and life sustaining force passing through us at all times, the breath (prana). Whether or not we take the time to understand how respiration works, breath passes in, breath passes out. Yet, understanding how breath interweaves with other nervous system functions, we can learn to engage with breath to benefit our health and well-being, on and off the mat. In this module, you'll explore how your body breathes you through applied anatomy and physiology lecture and practice. You'll learn about the characteristics of free/optimal breathing, common maladaptive breathing patterns, and ways you can compassionately respond to yourself and others. You'll practice gentle asana and apply the use of props to restore space for optimal breath expression in your body. You'll learn pranayama techniques to warm, cool, energize, calm, and focus the body/mind/heart and develop skill in cueing the breath and infusing asana practice with breath. Threaded throughout this module will be opportunities to apply what you are learning in your offerings as a teacher.
Dates: April 22 12:30-5:30p | April 28 6-9p | April 30 12:15-4:15p
Topics Covered:
How your body breathes you (applied anatomy and physiology of the breath)
Characteristics of free/optimal breathing, common maladaptive breathing patterns, and ways to compassionately respond
Gentle asana and use of props to restore space for optimal breath expression
Pranayama techniques to warm, cool, energize, calm, and focus
Languaging and theming the breath as asana instructors