Rooted Resiliency Presents Native Land Acknowledgements: A concept beyond words

with Vina Brown & Anna Leigh Finkbonner

 October 9, 2022 | 1p-4p

Investment: $89

So you want to do a Native Land Acknowledgement to honor whose traditional territory you live and work on? The goal of these interactive workshops is to support Non-Indigenous people to move beyond curating well-intentioned word-based land acknowledgements and toward action-based land acknowledgements. Action that supports Indigenous people, tribes, their sovereignty and their rights. Anna Leigh and Vina weave their cultural knowledge and wisdom together to create a safe, trauma-informed learning space that supports Non-Indigenous people to expand their understanding and compassion toward Indigenous people, their contemporary socio-economic issues, struggles and fight to remain connected to their homelands and culture.

Rooted Resiliency is an Indigenous charitable non-profit that focuses on creating opportunities for Indigenous individuals and communities to reclaim their cultural wellness practices through workshops, trainings, mentorship, and more. Our vision is to empower Indigenous people to define and live holistic, authentic, and healthy lives. The focus of our program offerings is; movement, meditation, culture and Indigenous knowledge systems. These offerings will promote individual and communal holistic wellness and self- determination while fusing other Indigenous sciences (Yoga and Ayurveda) to support overall community wellness.

Topics Covered:

  • History of the land: Origin/Creation stories

  • Treaty Rights: Acquired vs Inherent

  • Doctrine of Discovery

  • Historical and Present-day colonization and the intergenerational trauma still impacts Indigenous tribes and people

  • From cultural appropriation toward cultural appreciation

  • How does one benefit from the removal of Indigenous people from the land? How have you personally benefited?