Kintsugi & Yin Yoga:

Embracing Imperfections Through Gentle Movement & the Art of Mending Pottery with Gold

with Jen Lo

Waitlist Only!

This workshop is fully booked! Scroll down to sign up for the waitlist.

Sunday | October 6

1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Granary Ave Studio

$130 — Cost includes all necessary art supplies

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of mending broken pottery with gold. A worldview centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection — a way of living life with an authentic appreciation for the beauty to be found in what is, just as it is. As we continue to navigate this ever-changing new world, the art of kintsugi is a practice to heal through acceptance.

This two-part workshop includes a step-by-step Kintsugi making lesson and a yin yoga session. Each participant will safely break a small piece of pottery and then mend it using the kintsugi technique. By the end, participants will have crafted their own kintsugi piece of art to take home. Yin Yoga is a meditative practice which offers space to unwind, support the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote relaxation. In class you can expect to move slowly through gentle poses supported by many yoga props, holding each pose for several minutes and taking time to explore mindfulness and breath. All humans are welcome, no art or yoga experience necessary.

What To Bring

In addition to your yoga mat, consider bringing:

  • Journal & Pen

  • Sacred Object for the Altar (to be returned to you post-workshop)

  • Water Bottle

  • Eye Pillow

Other Details

Participants are welcome to bring in additional pieces for repair. Jen can make a "diagnosis" of the piece to see if it's a good candidate for repair. Depending on the timing of the workshop, participants may have time to complete the repair on their additional pieces. Each supply kit contains enough material to repair more items at home.


Registration for all events, including trainings and immersion workshops, is non-refundable. However, if you cannot attend, you may transfer your spot to another person by contacting us via phone, email, or in person. Thank you for your consideration with this policy as so much time, resources, and heart go into planning these experiences for our community!