Inner Reflection: Yin Yoga & Qigong Workshop

with Kendall Tetsworth

Friday | November 22

6:00 - 7:30 p.m.
Granary Ave Studio

Pay what you can! Sliding scale pricing & scholarships available*
$10 — Community | $15 — Sustainer | $25 — Supporter

As we sink into fall, nature reminds us that finding balance is a dynamic process. What we need in the warm, relaxed days of summer, changes as we shift into the cooler season of autumn. In traditional Chinese medicine, autumn is the start of the Yin season and the harbinger of descending metal chi (energy). Metal invites us to reflect and get clear with ourselves. Join Kendall as they lead you through an in-depth exploration of the metal element through a blend of Yin asana, Qigong, and meditation practices. By combining gentle movement with moments of stillness, we'll align with the grounding nature of metal, releasing what no longer serves us and embracing the introspective energy of autumn.

*If cost is a barrier, please email about scholarship opportunities.


Registration for all events, including trainings and immersion workshops, is non-refundable. However, if you cannot attend, you may transfer your spot to another person by contacting us via phone, email, or in person. Thank you for your consideration with this policy as so much time, resources, and heart go into planning these experiences for our community!